Ify 8th April 2021

Lucie, I never imagined when I met you that I would be writing these words just 3 years later. You were one of the first people I met when I joined the team - I took one look at your smiling face (which I now know is always like that) and your head to toe Zara outfit and immediately felt at home. One of the highlights of my week would be sitting in the secret meeting room with you having a cup of tea and a chat before and after (and sometimes during) various meetings. I always thought we’d have more time to extend those meetings to after work drinks with our mutual friends but that only happened on a couple of occasions. At least now I will always know the pleasure and compassion that can be found in sitting down with a good cup of tea. You achieved so much and had much more to achieve. But your legacy lives on in the numerous lives you touched and in those of us you inspired to be better. Here’s to the friendship that could have been. x