Dearest Lucie, I remember when Lou introduced us, when I was just starting in Fab Clean and she was about to go on mat leave. She said, "don't worry, I leave you in the best hands". And I had no doubt. Your reputation preceded you. I only knew your professional side at the time, and while you were truly remarkable on that front, it's clear that it was only a tiny fraction of who you were. Your soul and personality are dwarfing that, as proven by all the notes everyone left you. It’s been so humbling to read, and it’s making me miss you even more – miss all the things we’ll never get to experience with you. I know it’s silly, but I also know you’ll understand: I’m terrified of watching anything with Fleabag. It reminds me of you and our talks way too much. Funny that the only photo I have of you is the side by side comparison you sent me. I hope there’s something after death. I hope your soul lives on in some better plane of existence. And for sure it will continue to live in our memories.