Dear Lucie, Gosh, I've tried writing this a couple of times and always came up short. I don't know the words that would honour your light enough. So I'll just say clumsily what is coming straight from the heart. We worked side by side for many years in Home Care, and I always considered you a partner and a friend. You taught me to wear long skirts - as yours were always fabulous -, and you taught me to love my curly hair, since you always wore your curls with pride. I love your sense of humour and your dry wit, and adore your laugh. It rings in my ears every time I think of you. You were the first Brit I befriended when I moved to London (over 8 years ago!), and you were my first ever contact into the British culture. Now I know you were not so representative (if I may use a CMI term) of the Millennial Brit - you were a much more sophisticated and mature version of what I see on weekends out :) I always thought we would have the chance to visit Cambridge and you could show me around. That city will now always remind me of you as well. I hope you are resting, and I hope you know how meaningful your life has been. You have touched so many lives with your personality and your kindness, and you will live forever in our hearts and minds. Love, Pri